Empire Bakery & Vinas collaboration – actual and future projects in the U.S.

Empire Bakery, has chosen us, as suppliers, for a big project of premium Pizza and premium Bakery production in the east coast. We believe it will be a game changer operation that will open many windows in the states. It will be a very special installation with our recent module developed, the Napolitanaform, together with our Slimline 1000mm width for Neapolitan pizza shells and our Plaff-Plaff H2O for artisan bread production.
Empire decided to offer our equipment in an environment where we were complete strangers and we couldn’t be more grateful for this chance. Even though we have many different installations running in U.S. there are still many areas where the quality of our line productions are still waiting to be discovered. One thing is certain, once you get to know us, all other options fall behind, and our relationship with Empire will help us reach a public that was beyond our grasp until now.
The relationship with Empire goes back more than 20 years. The companies share the philosophy of establishing strong, long-term relationships with their customers and have achieved a very good understanding during the development of our Pizza and Bread projects. The experience has been mutually beneficial and we are working together to sell more Vinas pastry & bakery lines around the states.
Our project will be available to visit very soon, for all of you living in U.S. For the rest, you’ll be able to watch many videos of the installation and watch our Slimline or Plaff-Plaff H2O running.
This is one of the many strategic collaborations that we are launching around the world in order to make Maquinaria Viñas equipment more accessible to all our customers.
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