New round bread module – Sferaform 2.0.

We are proud to show you our new and improved module for round bread “sferaform”. One of the many modules you can add to the bakery machine Plaff-Plaff H2O advance. It is a natural evolution from the old sferaform system and it enhances the versatility of our star equipment.
The advantages of the module Sferaform 2.0. are:

  • Increasing the range of round bread size
  • Achieving more than 65% hydration of the dough.
  • We produce pieces up to 130gr.
  • More precision shaping the round bread.

Following our modular philosophy, the “sferaform” is very easy to install on the Plaff-Plaff H2O advance and also increases the product range with new round pieces.
We keep working to offer you the best updates on bakery and pastry equipment.

If you already own a Plaff-Plaff H2O and you are considering to introduce a new round format on your production, we will advice you.
In the case that you already are a user of the “sferaform module”, we can inform you directly.
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